Monday, August 24, 2009

Social Insecurity

We knew this day was coming, but it is surprising how fast it got here. From
Millions of older people face shrinking Social Security checks next year, the first time in a generation that payments would not rise.

The trustees who oversee Social Security are projecting there won't be a cost of living adjustment (COLA) for the next two years. That hasn't happened since automatic increases were adopted in 1975.

By law, Social Security benefits cannot go down. Nevertheless, monthly payments would drop for millions of people in the Medicare prescription drug program because the premiums, which often are deducted from Social Security payments, are scheduled to go up slightly.

Let's get this straight: A government, which cannot live up to it's Social Security expenses, now wants to take over our health care?

A government, which created our current health care mess by providing tax deductions for health insurance, wants to take an even bigger role in health care?

A government, which cannot take care of our elderly, now wants to take on responsibility for all of our lives?

Aside from the inherent stupidity of even considering more government involvement in health care, why are we even having this discussion during an economic recession?

1 comment:

William R. Barker said...

"Let's get this straight: A government, which cannot live up to it's Social Security expenses, now wants to take over our health care?"

Yep. That about sums it up.

And the MSM sees NOTHING strange about this!