Thursday, November 19, 2009

The American Principate

I was reading about the Roman Emperor Alexander Severus on Wikipedia, who was noted as the last emperor of the Roman Empire's Principate period. What struck me was the significance of the Principate period (from Wikipedia):
"The Principate is characterized by a concerted effort on the part of the Emperors to preserve the illusion of the formal continuance of the Roman Republic."

After the Principate, Ancient Rome went through nearly a century of upheaval, before it entered the period of the Dominate, which was the "despotic" last phase of Ancient Rome.

As I watch the United States government continue, with impunity, to erode the rights of Americans, it occurs to me we are living through the American Principate, where our government is characterized by a concerted effort on the part of our political oligarchs to preserve the illusion of the formal continuance of the American Republic.

Knowing the history of Ancient Rome, I have to wonder: Who will be the American "Alexander Severus"? Based on Alexander's biography, Obama certainly fits the bill in one respect:
"...when campaigning against...Germania, Alexander Severus apparently alienated his legions by trying diplomacy and bribery, and they assassinated him."
However, on the whole, Obama's reign doesn't resemble Alexander's:
"The luxury and extravagance that had formerly been so prevalent at the court were put down; the standard of the coinage was raised; taxes were lightened; literature, art and science were encouraged; the lot of the soldiers was improved; and, for the convenience of the people, loan offices were instituted for lending money at a moderate rate of interest."
All things considered, I suspect we have at least another leader or more to go before we reach the end of our government's pretense of republicanism. But with Obama's ineptitude, I may be surprised sooner.


William R. Barker said...

Again, Ed... broken record...


It's over.

These people aren't even attempting to hide the fact that they're LITERALLY buying the votes of Senators like Landrieu.

Let me ask you... have you reached the point where you'd jump for (relative) joy if it were suddenly announced that a military coup had installed General Patraeus as temporary Head of State and Head of Government?

Hey... if you're not there yet... you might wanna consider a religious conversion to Christian Science.

Yep. Just let the disease run it's course, even though you know it's going to kill you...



EdMcGon said...

These people aren't even attempting to hide the fact that they're LITERALLY buying the votes of Senators like Landrieu.

Bill, it always surprises me that no one gives it a second thought when a legislator takes campaign donations from a group, and then votes the way that group wants them to vote. This is the very definition of bribery, yet everyone is ok with it since it's technically legal.

Let me ask you... have you reached the point where you'd jump for (relative) joy if it were suddenly announced that a military coup had installed General Patraeus as temporary Head of State and Head of Government?

It wouldn't even have to be Patraeus. Any general would suffice. ;)

William R. Barker said...



In for a penny, in for a pound.

Aww... what the heck Ed; face it - you were on Homeland Security's radar from the moment you first commented on one of my posts over at RAG's.



P.S. - On a serious note...

Yep. If the ABC Corporation would have offered Landrieu $100,000 for her vote that would be a criminal act; if Harry Reid does so that's politics as usual.

EdMcGon said...

See ya in Guantanamo! ;)