Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as a punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted, shall exist within the United States, or any place subject to their jurisdiction.
If we claim that health care is a "right", then by extension a doctor is required to treat anyone for any reason, regardless of cost or time required.
Fortunately, the 13th Amendment protects doctors from such a situation. Unless House Judiciary Chairman John Conyers (D-MI) has his way (from
“We need a real serious bill and, by the way, the fundamental question, ‘Is health care a constitutional right?’...I mean, do you have a right to health care in the American system of government or not? ...Well, we believe that people do and we’re introducing a constitutional amendment just to make it real clear so that you don’t have to infer or assume that that’s a given and all that.”
In other words, let's enslave all members of the health care profession to ensure that everyone has equal access to health care.
When the government becomes the only health care payer, doctors will no longer have even the right to determine what they charge. Patients will no longer determine what they are willing to pay. Free market decisions will be removed, with government bureaucrats deciding the cost of every procedure, AND which procedures can be performed.
How many people do you think will go into the medical profession, knowing they will be slaves to the state? How many people do you think will leave the medical profession knowing this?
It's a shame I'm not on a first name basis with Antonin - or Clarence, Chief John, or Sam.
What I'd like to know is how we got to a point where government can even mandate private businesses provide healthcare - or else?
(Yeah, yeah... the minimum wage exists... Social Security and Medicare/caid... yadda, yadda, yadda.)
Still... I'd really love to have some Constitutional scholars and Supreme Court historians really explain to me in depth how and why it all went wrong... how, step by step, our government(s) (I include states) were allowed by the People and the Courts to amass such power.
Start with Lincoln. Then go to Wilson. Then FDR. It's pretty much rolled downhill since FDR, although a bit more slowly.
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