Friday, April 21, 2006

Editorial of the day

One thing I enjoy about Robert Novak is how he always seems to get the insider's view of Washington politics. In his editorial from late yesterday, "The GOP's Budget Problem", Novak paints an interesting portrait of what is going to happen with the federal budget after the Easter recess.

The real holdup with the federal budget seems to be House Appropriations Chairman Jerry Lewis (R-CA). It seems the House leadership wants to cut the pork and earmarks, and Lewis will not hear of it.

This is why I think the Republican leadership should hold a vote among it's members regarding whether Lewis should keep his chairmanship. When a committee chairman goes against the wishes of the party, that chairman should have his feet held to the fire, with his chairmanship at stake.

Maybe it is just me, but I believe a political party should represent something (with the exception of the Democrats, who represent everything).

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