Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Editorial(s) of the day

The misuses of the legal processes, both before and after a law is made, is a sin which effects us all and cheapens the value of the society in which we live.

After a law is made, we expect those who enforce it to use the best judgement possible in bringing cases to trial. We expect prosecutors to ask themselves if the accused is guilty, based on the evidence present. If they don't think the accused is guilty, they should not prosecute.

Thomas Sowell, in his editorial "Law or Lynch Law?", makes a compelling case for the Duke lacrosse players rape trial being more about politics than guilt or innocence.

That whole trial seems like a sham. I have yet to hear any good evidence for the guilt of these players.

Of course, the District Attorney is up for re-election this fall. Coincidence? I think not.

By contrast, our legislators are probably worse about using circumstances to justify actions. Whether circumstances justify the actions our legislators recommend is another problem.

As Neil Cavuto points out in "Congress Blowing Hot Air at Energy Crunch", Congress is ready to sock it to big oil companies over their big profits in the wake of high gas prices.

Instead, Cavuto socks it to Congress:
"I see Chuck Schumer wants to investigate the oil companies for price gouging. Why doesn't he ask his fellow politicians to do the same about tax gouging?

After all, oil companies' profit works out to nine cents a gallon. Taxes total more like 40 cents a gallon.

Politics, like people, sees what it wants to see. A great politician, like great people, will step back from the fray and look at the implications of their actions. Knee-jerk politicians plow ahead, without regard to the lives of the people they are adversely affecting.

A prosecutor blinded by politics will only ruin the lives of the people he unjustly prosecutes. A legislator blinded by politics will ruin all of us.

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